The VM SDK helps you add wayfinding and turn by turn directions to your application.

Supported platforms

VMSDK supports iOS 8.x+ Consult your map provider’s documentation for their own supported platforms.

Get started

With the Venue Maps SDK Reference App, you’ll see how to:

  • Show a map using a specific map provider, and display your custom map tiles
  • Load the VMD file with wayfinding data
  • Optionally load additional custom map data for directions and naming
  • Allow custom styling for your map tiles
  • Allow custom styling for your wayfinding
  • Handle errors that occur
First, install and run the reference app:
  1. Make sure you have version 10.2 or later of Xcode.
  2. If you don’t already have the CocoaPods tool, install it on macOS by running this command from the terminal:
    sudo gem install cocoapods
  3. Extract the iOS VMSDK zip file.
  4. In the extracted directory,​ ​navigate to vmsdk-sampleapp/Podfile​.
  5. Install the dependencies using CocoaPods:
    pod install
  6. In the extracted directory, navigate to vmsdk-sampleapp/VMMS-Demo.xcworkspace​ and launch it in Xcode.
  7. The reference app uses the Google Maps SDK for iOS, so you will need to generate a Google API Key.
  8. Once you’ve generated an API key, open Supporting​ ​Files/VMMSDemoConstants.h​ ​and update the GMS_API_KEY variable.
  9. Build and run the app on the simulator

See the full VM-SDK Guide here: SDK Guide